Truck Accident Attorney and Former Adjuster Working for You
We Have a Reputation For Great Results
Truck Accident
Our collision reconstruction experts stood strong and we secured a multi-million dollar recovery for our client.
Truck Accident
Truck driver sought to blame an uninvolved driver, suit was filed and the case was settled at mediation.
Pedestrian Accident
Case was settled for the victim’s demand for damages shortly before trial.
Common Types of Truck Accidents
There are several kinds of truck accidents that commonly occur for a variety of reasons:
- Rollover: A truck that rolls over poses a serious threat to the driver and any surrounding vehicles. This type of accident often occurs due to the shifting of cargo on an incline or taking too wide of a turn.
- Jackknife: When a truck’s attached trailer loses control, it can cause a “jackknife.” A jackknife accident happens when the cab and the trailer face the opposite direction, making the cab unable to move any longer.
- Tire Blowout: When a tire blows out, the truck driver can lose complete control of the truck. A tire may blow out, for instance, due to the extreme weight of the vehicle.
- Underride: When a vehicle does not see a truck slow down or come to a stop, it can slide under the side or rear of a truck. This kind of accident typically results in severe injuries, including death and total loss of the vehicle.
Leading Causes of Truck Accidents in Raleigh
Many factors can cause truck accidents in Raleigh, but the most common are:
Distracted Driving
A truck driver’s inattention while driving can be catastrophic. Common forms of distractions include texting or talking on a cell phone, drinking, and eating.
Driver Fatigue
Truck drivers work long hours and don’t have a reliable sleep schedule. Although federal laws dictate how many hours a trucker can be on the road, it doesn’t guarantee they will adhere to them if they are trying to meet a deadline.
Impatience or Road Rage
Truck drivers are under an enormous amount of pressure to meet deadlines, which can result in impatience or anger when on the road.
Reckless Driving
Speeding dramatically decreases a truck driver’s chances of reacting to any unforeseen elements on the road. Other reckless behaviors include sudden lane changes, failing to signal, or failing to account for traffic.
Driving Under the Influence
Many truck drivers resort to stimulant drugs out of boredom or to stay awake. Driving under the influence clouds judgment and can compel a driver to take unnecessary risks.
Poor Maintenance or Manufacturing Defects
Many truck owners or trucking companies are unwilling to spend the money to properly maintain their large trucks. Manufacturing defects, on the other hand, originate from the manufacturer, and if a part fails, the truck driver may lose control.
Poor Weather Conditions
If a truck driver fails to adjust to climate and road conditions, it often significantly reduces their ability to control the vehicle.
Whatever the circumstance, involving a car, truck or other vehicle. Our Raleigh, NC Car Accident Attorney can help you.
North Carolina Auto Accident & Insurance Law by Carl Nagle
Available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and for free on our website.
Who Can Be Held Liable for a Truck Accident?
After a truck accident, there may be multiple parties responsible, including:
- The Truck Driver: If the truck driver’s negligence led to an accident, they might be liable for damages. For instance, deliberately driving while distracted or under the influence or intentionally violating federal hours-of-service regulations that limit how long truckers may drive without a break.
- The Trucking Company: If the trucking company’s negligence caused an accident, such as hiring an inexperienced driver, or one with multiple driving infractions, failing to schedule regular inspections for their vehicles, etc.
- The Loading Companies: Cargo loading companies can be held responsible if they fail to ensure a truck is loaded correctly, resulting in a collision. If cargo isn’t secure and loaded unevenly, a subsequent cargo shift can lead to an accident.
Types of Damages Available After a Truck Accident
The liable parties for a truck accident will be responsible for paying damages suffered by an innocent party. The types of damages commonly available to victims and their families include:
- Lost wages while recovering
- Loss of future income
- Diminished earning capacity
- Costs of medical treatment, hospitalization, and long-term care
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
- Loss of consortium—spousal rights compensation for the loss of companionship or sexual relations
Truck drivers, and especially trucking companies, will not readily admit liability. Due to North Carolina’s contributory negligence law, if you are found even partially at fault, you will be barred from recovering compensation. Successfully obtaining the damages you are entitled to will take thorough investigating and diligent efforts on behalf of an attorney
Experienced Raleigh Truck Accident Attorneys
Call Nagle & Associates, P.A., or complete our online case evaluation form if you or someone you love has been seriously injured in a crash involving a truck. Our Raleigh truck accident attorneys offer a free, no-obligation consultation.
Public Transportation Accidents
Buses, rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft, and transit systems can cause accidents of all types. These organizations have the legal requirement to provide you with safety while you are transported from one area to the next. However, if you are involved in an accident on a bus, in a Lyft or Uber vehicle, or any other type of public transportation, our car accident attorneys can help you to obtain compensation for your losses. This includes incidents when you are hit by a bus, suffered an injury on the public transportation system that leads to significant medical bills, or when you are injured as a passenger. Because these types of accidents can be very hard to prove in a court of law, it is always best to have an attorney by your side who has experience in this area. You can depend on Nagle & Associates, P.A. to learn what options are available to you to help you overcome the financial losses you’ve suffered. We encourage you to call us right away for a consultation to discuss the incident if you’ve suffered medical bills or other types of financial loss as a result of the incident.
Bike Injury & Pedestrian Accident Attorneys
Our team works closely with those who were hit on a bike or struck while walking as well. Bicycle-involved car accidents are quite common with over 702 accidents causing injury in 2012 alone. In some situations, bike-related car accidents involve some of the most devastating medical injuries. The bike rider can be thrown hundreds of feet, suffering intense damage to their body, their organs or their brain. Many have broken bones, internal injuries, and long-term limitations as a result of being involved in such an accident. It is always our job to ensure we understand all of the losses you’ve experienced so we can help you to overcome the injuries and collect full payment for all legal claims. Our bike and pedestrian accident attorneys also provide support for reconstructing the incident. If there is any question about fault in your case, we’ll work to show what happened and help you to fight for the compensation owed to you. We work with people who have suffered these injuries themselves as well as family members of those who have suffered catastrophic injury or death as a result of a car accident involving a bike. When traffic congestion, a lack of following the law, or distracted driving leaves you suffering as a bicycle rider or a walker, allow Nagle & Associates, P.A. to help prove your case.
How can I find out if I have a case?
We offer immediate free legal consultations by telephone or in person. With a simple phone call, we will discuss your accident facts and your related injuries and damages and assess whether you have a legal right of financial recovery.
In North Carolina, if you are just slightly at fault (even just 1%), you have no valid claims against other at-fault parties. Insurance companies always try to deny claims or minimize injury claim payments. Invest the time to talk with a lawyer before you start working with the insurance adjuster who is paid to oppose your claims. Carl Nagle is available now to assess case viability and explain your legal options.
What amount of compensation am I entitled to?
Our law firm has resisted and refused to install voice mail on our phone system. We intend to provide close, personal service to every client! You should expect immediate return calls from your lawyer and his team, and we keep a 30 day calendar on all cases to make sure we contact our client on a regular basis to check on medical status, and to make sure that the client and our firm are always on the same page.
We acknowledge that an injury victim needs to have updates and support, and we help along every step to ensure that your health insurance is properly utilized, to ensure that your medical file is entirely up to date, to make sure that all necessary medical care is provided as soon as possible, and to maximize the ultimate value of your personal injury case.
How long does it take to typically receive compensation?
In most cases, it is best to complete all medical treatment before the case is presented for settlement negotiations or trial. Never rush through medical care! A careful and patient approach to medical care is the best way to protect your health, and a longer period of medical care also translates to a higher cash payment for pain and suffering. Once medical care is concluded, we strive to collect all final medical records, medical billings and other injury-claim evidence within 30-60 days.
Once we receive all medical records and evidence, we review the evidence and prepare and submit the injury claim and demand for payment within one week. Since we are threatening a trial (remember, most cases settle with no court involvement), we prefer to wait for the insurance company to make the next move.
In most cases, we receive an initial offer within 30-45 days. Thereafter, we negotiate hard behind our threat of a lawsuit and push for the highest possible settlement offer. While there are delays in some cases beyond the client’s and attorney’s control, most cases can be settled and the client paid just a few months after medical care is concluded. Also, we structure the settlement so that the net money received by our client remains tax free.
Is there a time limit on seeking compensation?
The “statute of limitations” bars all claims that are filed late. North Carolina law imposes a three year deadline to file a lawsuit in cases involving injury, and just two years from the collision date for fatal accident and wrongful death claims. You should never wait until the deadline is close because it is vital to include all responsible parties in a lawsuit.
If the case is filed only against one of several responsible parties and the legal deadline passes, those who were not properly sued and served with a Summons and Complaint escape legal liability. In wrongful death cases involving minor children, the same two year suit-filing deadline applies.
In personal injury cases involving minor children, the three year deadline only applies to the parents’ claim for medical expenses and out-of-pocket loss. The child’s deadline is extended so that the child can file a lawsuit seeking money for pain and suffering by three additional years, meaning suit must be filed the day before the child’s 21st birthday.
What do I do if a family member injured in a car accident dies?
Fatal injury cases allow certain surviving family members to collect compensation by pursuing claims under the North Carolina Wrongful Death Act. Wrongful Death cases are unique, and they are also subject to a strict 2 year suit-filing deadline.
Further, an estate must be opened for the decedent before the lawsuit can be filed. Damages in Wrongful Death case include medical expenses incurred by the victim during life-saving efforts, funeral expenses, lost income that the decedent would have earned through retirement, compensation for the lost services of the decedent, compensation for the lost relationship and companionship, and punitive damages in cases involving willful and wanton or intentional conduct.
The family members who share in the award are those family members who would receive an inheritance through the North Carolina Intestacy statutes (the statute that divides any decedent’s property among family members in cases where a person dies without a valid will). This typically puts payment it the hands of a surviving spouse, children of the decedent, and sometimes with surviving parents or siblings.
What can I do if my child is injured in a car accident?
In most cases, court approval will be required to finalize any private settlement of a child’s personal injury claims. Under North Carolina law, any person under age 18 is deemed a “minor”, and a minor’s personal injury claim is divided into two parts – the parents own the claim for medical expenses and the child receives the payment for pain, suffering, scarring, disfigurement, lost quality-of-life, and future problems.
To secure a valid and binding settlement, a judge must approve the terms of settlement for the family’s benefit, and they will then order the child’s funds to be placed either with the Clerk of Court until the child’s 18th birthday, or the money can be placed into a “structured settlement”. Structures allow the parent to determine how the settlement money will be paid out after the child reaches age 18, and this allows the money to be invested until later in life, and interest income remains non-taxable.
Family’s who choose structures often choose to have the child receive several installments instead of a single lump-sum at age 18. Our firm guides the family through this entire process and we handle all of the red tape and paperwork involved in court approval of any settlement, trial of the case if settlement cannot be reached, and timing of payouts when the family prefers a structured settlement.
How much will I have to pay if I want to hire your law firm?
You pay nothing up front to hire our firm, and we can begin working for you today. We can even come to your home or office if this helps to get your case started. Our legal fee is 1/4 or 25% of any settlement, which is far less than the 1/3 or 33 1/3% that most firms charge. With our experience and reputation, we seek to increase your settlement payments sufficiently to cover our legal fees. If a trial is necessary to secure compensation, our litigation fee is 1/3, which is also far less than the 40-44% fee that most personal injury lawyers charge in litigation cases. We ONLY handle motor vehicle accident cases, and we typically handle serious injury and wrongful death matters. Mr. Nagle reduced his fee percentage over a decade ago because he felt that a 1/4 fee was more generous and fair for the client. With our firm, you keep 75% of your settlement instead of 66 2/3%. We feel this more fair for our clients, and more responsible for the law firm. Our goal is to push the insurance carriers, capture all available insurance coverage, develop your medical evidence and thereby INCREASE THE SETTLEMENT VALUE OF YOUR CASE. To the extent that we increase the value of your case, we are compelling the insurance carrier to pay our attorney’s fee. We charge no inter-office expenses to our clients so you pay nothing for copies, phone calls, postage, etc. Attorneys are not allowed to pay litigation expenses, but we always advance those expenses on behalf of our clients. For example, the filing fee that is paid to file suit and open a court file is advanced by our firm, but is covered by the client’s share of the trial verdict. This is true for all law firms. Please don’t worry about case costs because most of our cases settle with no suit-filings or court involvement. Therefore, most cases are concluded with little or no outside case-development expenses.
Frequently asked questions
With over 20 years of experience, Nagle & Associates, P.A. are your trusted, aggressive personal injury attorneys serving the entire state of North Carolina.

Why Choose Nagle & Associates, P.A
We have recovered over $750 million in compensation for victims throughout North Carolina.
Intense focus
Our firm only handles personal injury claims arising from serious motor vehicle collisions. We have mastered the laws in this arena and we stand ready to protect your rights, to prove fault, and to collect maximum tax-free payment for your injury claims.
Lowest fee
We only accept cases involving real injuries arising from serious accidents. Our focus on high-damage cases allows us to offer a lower legal fee on settlements and trial verdicts. Almost ALL other injury lawyers charge 1/3 of the personal injury settlement. If we accept your case, our fee is 1/4 of settlement.
Unparalleled experience
Carl Nagle direct experience representing at-fault drivers and insurance companies helps him to anticipate and avoid insurance defense tactics, and to motivate insurance companies to pay top-dollar settlements in every case.
One call handles everything
Whether you simply need answers and a free consultation or you decide to retain us to handle all problems arising from your accident, one phone call begins this easy process.
The Advantages of Working with Our NC Personal Injury Attorneys
The key advantages Nagle & Associates, P.A. has to offer to our personal injury clients is our focused experience in the motor vehicle accident arena. We only handle roadway accident cases, and we have extremely valuable knowledge in the fields of insurance law, personal injury law and traumatic medicine. Former insurance defense attorney Carl Nagle stands ready to confront the insurance adjusters who will seek to oppose your claims. Because we have a consistent record of providing exceptional service and the highest quality of representation possible in all types of NC personal injury cases, our clients are able to get back to life.
Competitive Rates – Less Than Most Other Firms
We’re passionate about providing our clients with the highest level of support when they are facing some of the most difficult times of their life. To do this, we keep our costs low so you keep a larger share of your settlement or trial verdict. Our fee is 25% of the settlement you obtain, and that’s significantly lower than the 33 1/3% share charged by other firms. If you do not receive a settlement for your North Carolina personal injury case, you do not pay us anything. Also, our fee is paid only when you collect money, so there is no up-front cost to get us started today. You deserve financial compensation to cover medical bills, new living arrangements, complex other needs, and pain and suffering. We ensure most of that tax-free money stays in your hands when your case is over.
Medical Focused Attorney
Many personal injury claims in North Carolina involve complex medical issues. Our medical experience is perhaps our most valuable asset! Because we only handle serious injury cases, we have worked with the best doctors in the state to understand how injuries impact our clients’ health and quality of life. Having an attorney with medical insight and expertise can give you the support you need to win your case. Our team works with you to understand what’s occurred, gathers information from your medical records, and retains outside medical experts as needed to prove your case. Our team has the best injury attorneys for medical-based cases in North Carolina.
Contact Your Personal Injury Attorney in North Carolina Now for a Consultation
Now is the ideal time to obtain the help you need. We’re here for you. Call Nagle & Associates, P.A. today to discuss your case openly with our dedicated team of attorneys. We provide a free initial consultation to help you learn if you have a personal injury case. Let our 20 years of experience go to work for you. Our North Carolina offices are available to you today. Call us now for a consultation at (800) 411-1583.