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North Carolina Rogue Trucking Companies Attorney

North Carolina Rogue Trucking Companies Attorney

A trucking company is considered rogue if it repeatedly violates state and federal regulations, hires negligent drivers, and habitually fails to properly maintain its vehicles. These companies may be held responsible when their conduct results in accidents and injuries to others and, with proof that the company continuously endangers others by taking shortcuts or ignoring safety laws, rogue trucking companies can also be held liable for punitive damages. Victims of a crash that may involve a rogue trucking company can rely on the legal guidance of Raleigh truck accident attorney Carl Nagle in asserting their right to full compensation.

As the founder of Nagle & Associates, Mr. Nagle’s previous work experience as an insurance defense attorney and insurance claims adjuster sets a strong foundation for our victim advocacy. Since we understand the defense strategies employed by commercial insurers, our approach to catastrophic injury cases, such as truck accident claims, is calculated to effectively overcome defense strategies to ensure that our clients secure maximum payment in every case. We believe in presenting comprehensive medical evidence of a victim’s injuries and showing the full impact of an accident in all of its forms. Our approach has resulted in Mr. Nagle and the team at Nagle & Associates successfully recovering hundreds of millions of dollars for injured people throughout North Carolina, including residents of Asheville, Winston-Salem, and Wilmington.

Hold a Rogue Trucking Company Responsible for Your Injuries

Trucking companies must meet the applicable standard of care for this industry, set forth in part through the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. Some of these regulations provide specific safety rules for drivers, for example, while others mandate limited hours for operating a truck. Rogue trucking companies ignore or violate these policies, and in many cases, they require their truck drivers to operate vehicles for as many hours as possible, regardless of their fatigue. Some trucking companies change their name to escape liability for hiring dangerous drivers, while others rely on underfunded business forms.

Trucking companies that violate safety laws may be held directly responsible for the resulting injuries under the legal theories of negligence or negligence per se. Negligence may be shown through evidence that the trucking company had a duty of care, breached that duty, and directly caused the accident and the resulting damages. Negligence per se, also known as negligence as a matter of law, is established by showing that the company violated a safety law or regulation, the victim belonged to the group that the regulation was designed to protect, the injuries that the victim suffered were the type that the regulation guarded against, and the company’s violation caused the victim’s injuries.

In some situations, a rogue trucking company responsible for an accident has engaged in other legally questionable conduct. For example, the company may have changed its name in order to avoid being shut down for previous federal or state violations. A pattern and practice of violating the law may be shown through evidence that the company used other names and different business forms. In some situations, a company may appear to hold a spotless record, but under a different name, the entity may have received multiple citations.

North Carolina protects truck accident victims. Damages that stem from an accident caused by a rogue trucking company usually include lost income, decreased earning capacity, medical costs, and pain and suffering. If a trucking company willfully ignores the law, such as by hiring drivers who are unfit for the job, the company also may be required to pay punitive damages as a form of punishment.

Contact an Experienced Raleigh Attorney after a Truck Accident

Rogue trucking companies should be held accountable for their dangerous misconduct. At Nagle & Associates, Raleigh truck accident lawyer Carl Nagle provides experienced representation to injured individuals and their families. By taking legal action, victims may be able to secure compensation from trucking companies that have violated safety regulations or failed to ensure that their drivers follow guidelines. We have represented victims in cities such as Asheville, Raleigh, Wilmington, Winston-Salem, Greensboro, Charlotte, Hickory, and other communities throughout Wake, Forsyth, Brunswick, Mecklenburg, Durham, Cumberland, Catawba, Guilford, and New Hanover Counties. Contact our office for a complimentary consultation with a skilled tractor-trailer crash attorney. We can be reached by calling (800) 411-1583 or completing our online form on this website.