About Our Firm

Our firm is intensely focused, and we have earned success by mastering the field of traumatic medicine, and the laws associated with insurance coverage and personal injury litigation. We know how to employ the best crash reconstruction experts, how to collect and preserve evidence to prove driver error and legal liability, and how to present the medical evidence to motivate the highest possible settlements and trail verdicts. We also know how to manage a settlement, how to reduce outside claims against settlement proceeds, and how to put the highest possible tax-free payment in our clients’ hands at the close of every case.
We offer an industry leading fee, concierge level service, and free consultations for any crash victim who seeks to learn their legal rights. If after speaking with us you choose to hire us to pursue your legal claims, there is no up-front fee (we are paid only when we collect money for you), and we can even come to you to get your case started. There is no fee for a home visit if a visit to one of our statewide offices is currently inconvenient.
With seven offices across North Carolina, we stand ready to pursue your claims and give you a strong local presence. Most cases settle, with no public lawsuit filings or court involvement. However, we make sure the settlement is on your terms, not the discounted terms the insurance company hopes for. We also know how to locate multiple insurance policies and outside fund sources to ensure that all claims are paid in full. And if a jury trial is necessary to secure fair payment for your injuries and losses, we conduct the trial in your home county.
Carl Nagle and his team seek to be THE authority on North Carolina auto accident and insurance law. We know how to respond following a catastrophic collision, we know how to approach insurance carriers and command their respect, and we know how to collect the highest payment in every case.
If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a North Carolina roadway accident, please call us for an immediate, fee legal consultation. We can typically advise you by phone on how to protect your legal rights, how to avoid insurance adjuster defense tactics, and how to collect maximum payment on all available legal claims.