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Winston-Salem Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Skilled Bicycle Accident Attorneys in Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Raleigh Bicycle Accident AttorneyRiding a bicycle is a great way to combine transportation and exercise. You get to be outside in the fresh air and you’re reducing carbon emissions. Biking has gained popularity across the country in the last decade as people turn to more eco-friendly ways to get around. However, more bicycles on the roads mean more opportunities for accidents as cyclists and motorists have to share the same travel space. Many cities are adding infrastructure to make biking safer but many others are not. In the last several years, fatal bicycle accidents in urban areas have reached their highest levels and account for 75-80 percent of all bicyclists killed each year. If you or a loved one has suffered injuries due to a bicycle accident, contact our Winston-Salem bicycle accident lawyers by calling (336) 723-4500.

Nagle & Associates, P.A. supports alternative ways for people to get around our communities and efforts to make our roads safer for all who travel upon them. When bicyclists are injured on North Carolina roads, our Winston-Salem bicycle accident lawyers are ready to help.

Why Trust Your Bicycle Accident to Nagle & Associates, P.A.?

When a bike and a car crash, the bike and rider are likely to experience significant injuries. You need someone on your side who knows the issues relevant to bicycle accidents and how insurance companies may try to discredit your claim.

  • Our experience is unique and concentrated – Our founder, Carl Nagle, started his career as an insurance claims adjuster and now we only advocate on behalf of those seriously injured in motor vehicle accidents.
  • Our methods get results for our clients – We don’t get paid if you don’t get paid – and we like getting paid. We have secured over $500 million for our clients.
  • Our process is client-centered – We understand that this is a difficult time for you and we work to make sure you feel supported and completely taken care of.

How a Bicycle Accident Attorney Improves Your Chances to Recover Compensation

Sure, you could handle your injury claim by yourself. But why would you?

  • An attorney will know what is necessary to investigate and reconstruct an accident in order to prove the motorist is at fault.
  • Insurance companies take cases more seriously when attorneys are involved because attorneys know how insurance companies try to undervalue
  • Hiring an attorney relieves you of the responsibility of managing your claim in addition to everything else you are trying to deal with.

Wear a Helmet – Especially if You Bike in the City

When bicycles are hit by motorists, it is because the vehicle drivers do not see the cyclists or see them but fail to yield the right of way. Whether drivers are just distracted or don’t know the laws, it spells danger for bicyclists. The majority of fatal bicycle accidents happen in the late afternoon or early evening in urban areas. According to the latest information from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), over 60 percent of the riders killed are not wearing bike helmets. Bicyclists can improve their chances for a safe ride by keeping safety top of mind as they take to the roads. Keep the following safety tips in mind the next time you go on a bike ride:

  • Make yourself more visible – get bike lights and ride with them on, wear reflective clothing, have reflectors on the bike
  • Wear a helmet – there’s no good reason not to and it might save your life
  • Don’t be where motorists won’t expect you – ride with traffic, not against it
  • Know the rules of the road for bikes in your community and follow them – the rules are there so people can share the roads and keep everyone safe
  • Never assume a motorist can see you – bicycles are far more vulnerable than cars, so cyclists must be aware of traffic to make sure motorists know where they are

Contact Our Bicycle Accident Attorneys Today

Even if bicyclists prioritize safety and do everything right, they can’t control all the circumstances on the road. Accidents with motorists will occur. At Nagle & Associates, P.A., we understand that motorists may resent having to share the streets with bicycles and can try to argue the cyclist was at fault for an accident.

Our Winston-Salem bicycle accident lawyers will demonstrate how the accident occurred and how you were injured so that you can recover the maximum amount of compensation. Before talking to the insurance company, come talk to us. Click here to contact us for a free consultation or call our office at (336) 723-4500.