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Wilmington Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Skilled Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Wilmington, North Carolina

Raleigh Motorcycle Accident Attorney 1Often when a motorcycle gets into an accident, the rider is thrown from the bike. The impact from hitting something or being hit launches the rider who then usually hits another hard surface. How seriously injured a motorcyclist will get in an accident depends on the relative size, weight, and speeds of the vehicles involved as well as what the rider is thrown into or lands on. The only protection a rider has is what he or she has chosen to wear while riding. Speak with a Wilmington motorcycle accident lawyer from Nagle & Associates, P.A. if you have been injured in a motorcycle accident. Call (910) 762-2355 today.

Helmets are the most common – and controversial – protective gear that motorcycle riders can wear. Most states mandate helmet wearing for those under age 18 but only a few states require all riders to wear helmets all the time. North Carolina requires everyone to wear helmets on any ‘motorcycle type’ vehicle. However, the head is not the only part of the body that can be injured in a motorcycle crash. Though other protective clothing is available, it is not required and many riders choose not to wear it.

The Wilmington motorcycle accident lawyers at Nagle & Associates, P.A. have worked with clients who have experienced devastating injuries in motorcycle accidents and know how important it is for riders to protect themselves.

Why Hire Nagle & Associates, P.A. to Handle Your Motorcycle Accident Claim?

When you’ve been injured in an accident involving motor vehicles, you want to hire a firm that handles the type of claim you have, has been doing it for a while, and has been successful in doing it. At Nagle & Associates, P.A.:

  • Motor vehicle accidents are all we do – all day, every day
  • We only represent those injured by others – we want to help you seek justice
  • We value the trust our clients have in us – we are committed to fighting for the maximum recovery for each and every client

What Value Does a Motorcycle Accident Attorney Offer?

A motorcycle accident attorney knows the law relating to your accident and injuries, is familiar with insurance company policy requirements, and makes sure your legal rights are protected.

  • Knows the law and how to use it in your favor
  • Knows how insurance companies settle claims and how to negotiate over issues
  • Knows what to say and when to say it to your greatest advantage

How Motorcycle Riders Can Better Protect Themselves from Crash Injuries

The 2019 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) Motorcycle Safety 5-Year Plan calls for bringing greater public awareness to the benefits of wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). Advances in technology have allowed the development of new types of protective fabrics that could make PPE more appealing to greater numbers of motorcyclists.

The NHTSA recognizes injuries from motorcycle accidents occur to all parts of the body and PPE can help protect all vulnerable body parts from crash impact. Non-fatal motorcycle accident injuries occur to the body as follows.

  • 30% – leg/foot
  • 22% – head/neck
  • 20% – upper trunk
  • 18% – arm/head
  • 8% – lower trunk
  • 3% – other

The Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) says properly fitting PPE helps keep riders comfortable on the road and provides protection to reduce injuries. The MSF recommends basic gear for riders.

  • Helmet – helmets save lives and do not impair necessary vision or hearing
  • Face protection – Face shields protect the face from flying debris
  • Footwear – sturdy, over-the-ankle boots with rubber soles are best
  • Gloves – protect hands from road conditions and provide better grip on handlebars
  • Jackets/pants/suits – clothes made specifically for motorcycling are designed to be comfortable and offer the best protection

Contact Our Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Today

At Nagle & Associates, P.A., we have seen the results of accidents between motorcycles and other vehicles and we encourage riders to wear protective gear. Our Wilmington motorcycle accident lawyers have represented clients with tragic injuries that might not have been as damaging if they were wearing more protective clothing. That said, not wearing protective clothing does not affect your claim. You are still entitled to collect compensation for all the injuries you suffered as long as you did not contribute to causing the crash. Call us at (910) 762-2355 or click here for a free consultation to discuss your motorcycle accident.