Notify the At-Fault Driver’s Insurance Company
It is important to remember though that it isn’t enough to simply just notify the company of the accident. You will also need to provide evidence to prove the other driver cause the collision. There are numerous pieces of evidence you will need to support your claim.
Gather Records After The Accident
The success of your claim relies on your ability to prove two key facts, the other driver’s fault and the extent of your physical, emotional and financial damages. To strengthen your case you need evidence to support each claim and loss. The best form of evidence is written documents and records. After the accident collect all the following records and bring them to one of our expert attorneys at Nagle & Associates.
Police Records
When your accident occurred you likely called a police officer to the scene. He or she created a report based on interviews and observations conducted. This report contains information that is vital to your claim because it includes statements, names and date of the collision and whether either driver violated traffic laws. The easiest way to obtain this report is to contact the police station to obtain a copy of the report.
Medical Records
No matter if you sustained major injuries or visited a doctor as a precautionary you should always obtain all accident related medical records. These records establish the nature and extent of your injuries while also stating the diagnosis and treatment received if applicable. Medical records can be used to prove causation and help you establish your right to specific damages.
Proof of Lost Wages
After the accident you might have had to take time away from work to recover from and receive treatment for your injuries. Paycheck stubs and direct deposit records or any other type of document can demonstrate the amount of compensation you lost because of the accident.
Vehicle Valuation and Repair Documents
If your vehicle sustained damage in the accident, you might be able to recover compensation for repairs or replacement. Be sure to gather all documents that display the car’s actual cash valuer before the accident. Vehicle repair estimates and invoices from different shops can also help your claim.
The Importance of Witness Statements
Witness statements can form a strong foundation for your accident case. They should not be the only form of evidence you use. These statements can help you prove your right to damages because witnesses saw the accident happen. In the moments after a collision, you want to ask witnesses in the area for their contact information if they would like to provide testimony on your behalf.
Consult a North Carolina Car Accident Attorney
If you are in a collision in North Carolina, the North Carolina car accident attorneys at Nagle & Associates, P.A., can help prove your right to compensation. Contact us as soon as possible. We will review your case and discuss your legal options. Schedule a free initial consultation by calling (866) 631-2228 today.