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North Carolina Distracted Driving Accident Attorney

North Carolina Distracted Driving Accident Attorney

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Now, more than ever before, Americans are constantly plugged in, engaged in alternate digital worlds, conversations, and other places, and accustomed to constant multitasking. While innovation and technology have afforded society amazing achievements, they are not without their drawbacks. Behind the wheel of a vehicle, these and other distractions can pose serious, even deadly, consequences. While distracted driving has surely been around since the birth of the motor vehicle, it has never reached such unprecedented prevalence as it has today.

In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), a subsidiary of the U.S. Department of Transportation, has gone as far as referring to distracted driving as a national epidemic, causing thousands of injuries and deaths each year. Alarming in every sense, this widespread concern regarding driver distraction illustrates that distracted driving is negligent, careless, and overwhelmingly dangerous. While nearly any activity that takes a motorist’s attention away from the primary task of driving can be considered distracted driving, some of the most common examples include:

  • Using a cell phone or personal electronic device.
  • Texting while driving.
  • Personal grooming.
  • Operating the radio / CD player.
  • Using a navigation system or reading a map.
  • Tending to children or interacting excessively with passengers.
  • Eating and drinking.
  • Looking at things outside on the roadway (rubbernecking).

All forms of distracted driving are inherently dangerous. According to statistics compiled by the NHTSA, distracted driving played a role in more than 3,000 deaths and nearly 400,000 injuries during 2011 alone. Additionally, 18% of all injury crashes in the U.S. in 2010 were reported as distraction-affected crashes. For victims and families in North Carolina who have had their lives affected by the negligence of distracted drivers, Nagle & Associates is dedicated to fighting for your right to full and fair compensation.

If you or someone you care about has been injured in a car accident in which driver distraction played a role, then you have every right to pursue a recovery of your damages from the at-fault driver. In order to secure compensation, however, your personal injury claim must clearly establish proof and evidence of the at-fault driver’s negligence. Having spent more than 20 years handling motor vehicle accident cases, Attorney Nagle has accumulated the skills and insight needed to conduct investigations, secure supporting evidence, and battle insurance companies into fairly compensating clients. If any other additional factors contributed to the accident, then the firm’s legal team will pursue these avenues so as to maximize victims’ compensation. Contact distracted driving accident attorney.

Allow a North Carolina Auto Accident Lawyer to Protect Your Rights

The tone has been set by law enforcement agencies and judicial systems throughout the country that distracted driving will not be tolerated. By having a team of passionate North Carolina car accident lawyers by your side, you can be confident that you will have the guidance needed to navigate the legal process and the representation needed to secure a full and fair recovery of your damages. Allow a member of the firm’s legal team to review your case during a free consultation and explain what they can do to help. Contact a North Carolina auto accident lawyer from Nagle & Associates today.