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North Carolina Fatal Truck Accident Attorney

Compensation & Justice for Fatal Trucking Accidents

We have all heard the stories of tragic, fatal truck accidents and the devastation that the surviving family members experience. Unfortunately for some – perhaps for you and your family – this is a reality. As the surviving family member or dependent of a fatal truck accident victim, you deserve compensation for the tragedy that has occurred due to a negligent truck driver or trucking company. Although nothing can truly compensate you for the loss of your loved one, there is still some form of compensation and justice that can be obtained through a wrongful death claim. Contact Nagle & Associates, P.A. today by calling (800) 411-1583.

Nagle & Associates, P.A. handles nothing but motor vehicle accident cases, including wrongful death. Truck accidents are notorious for causing fatalities due to the size of commercial trucks compared to most other vehicles. Through a wrongful death claim, you and any other immediate family members can receive compensation for funeral and burial expenses, property damage and repairs, loss of income, grief counseling, pain and suffering, loss of companionship and consortium, and much more. Speak with a North Carolina trucking accident attorney from Nagle & Associates, P.A. as soon as possible to get started on a claim. The statute of limitations for wrongful death in North Carolina is two years, so you cannot afford to wait.

Hire a North Carolina Wrongful Death Lawyer

The sooner you retain a North Carolina wrongful death attorney to handle your truck accident claim, the better. Nagle & Associates, P.A. has the reputation and respect to obtain a fair settlement for nearly every case, but also prepares for trial from day one in order to win the highest trial verdict should your case to go court. The lawyers with the firm are skilled litigators and will stop at nothing to maximize your compensation. The firm’s attorneys are also very compassionate and understand that you are likely enduring one of the most tragic times of your life. Contact the firm at your earliest convenience to take part in a free case evaluation and learn what the firm can do to handle your wrongful death case.